Thursday, May 24, 2012

Seeking Volunteers

I need help getting stuff done. And since my business isn't even a business yet and it isn't making any money, I can't really pay anyone.

That's where you come in almighty helper person you!
Do you find yourself with extra time on your hands? Do you have a specific skill set you don't get to put to good use often enough? Are you considering looking for a new career opportunity or looking for something to do to supplement your current income?
I just may have an opportunity you might be interested in.

Right now I'm looking for volunteers to help me perform certain tasks. If this venture ever gets off the ground, you can be assured you'll be first in line for any paying jobs my business creates.

Tasks I need help with:

  • Editing this blog: If you haz good grammar and spelling, U can Tell i aint that good. I need someone to edit the stuffz I right so I dont look so dumb
  • Acting: I currently have a list of ideas I want to start actively working on for my youtube channel. However, I need actors. I can't be 3 different people in the same video ... well I could, but that doesn't seem like much fun. 
  • Grip work: If the video aspect of my business gets in full swing, I'm going to need an extra set of hands to help me move and set up equipment. If you already know stuff, GREAT. If you don't, I'll train you. 
  • Camera work: If I'm in front of the camera, it would be nice to have someone to stand behind it. 
  • All-purpose assistant: Right now I keep running into completely random tasks that I couldn't predict. having someone to help me take care of them will help me get this show on the road.
If you think you can help with any of these tasks, you know how to contact me. Thanks in Advance. 

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