Saturday, June 30, 2012

Perpetual List 6/30/12

Old List

For Darlene

  • Research
    • Amy Porterfield
    • Lejure
    • Social Marketing Tribe
    • Word Press
    • Facebook Apps
    • Talk Fusion
  • Stack of business Cards
  • 16x16 web icon
New Client
  • Send new schedule for this week
  • meet and discuss project
  • test out new client assessment form
  • test out first draft project assessment form
  • Begin logo sketches
  • talk about logo sketches
  • refine sketches
  • Tweak B&W design
  • Submit color variations for approval 
  • Get approval on a color design
  • Deliverables
    • send .ai to Jacci's hired FB team
    • 16X16 web icon
My Youtube Channel
  • Create Google Account 
  • Decide on Show Format(s)
  • Pick Channel Name and Create it
  • Acquire a cast and crew
  • Begin Production
My Business
  • Pick a Name
  • Fill out Paper Work
  • Get it published in the Paper
  • Obtain generic contracts
    • Blog disclosure
    • project agreement (one per package or per project)
  • Make a definitive list of packaging solutions for clients
  •  Figure out pricing
  •  Build an opt in form/members sign in aspect for my website
  • Build some sort of calendar for my website for scheduling purposes.
  •  Create a businessy planny thingy to send to a friend to show to a potential contact
  • Travel to Lake Havasu on June 4th
  •  Begin to implement strategies to make this blog actually make money and bring back re-peat viewers without HAVING to spam my FB and Twitter page
  •  Create My own FB business page complete with apps/etc.
  •  Re-energize the group
  • Model
  • Rig
  • Animate
  • Texture
  • Light
  • Render
  • Composite
  • Upload – to where?
  • Ellens Dance Dare
  • Hair Cut
  • Exercise 

List Version 6/30/2012


For Darlene

  • Research
    • Amy Porterfield
    • Lejure
    • Social Marketing Tribe
    • Word Press
    • Facebook Apps
  • 16x16 web icon
  • reassess logo ... look at ways of making it shinier
New Client
  • Obtain approval on logo design to move forward to digital phaze
  • Research color possibilities discuss options thoroughly with client
  • Make logo "softer" ... and not suck
  • Get approval on a color design
  • Deliverables
    • send .ai to Jacci's hired FB team
    • 16X16 web icon
My Youtube Channel
  • Create Google Account 
  • Decide on Show Format(s)
  • Pick Channel Name and Create it
  • Acquire a cast and crew
  • Begin Production
My Business
  • Pick a Name
  • Fill out Paper Work
  • Get it published in the Paper
  • Obtain generic contracts
    • figure out exactly what I need to be included in contracts
    • Blog disclosure
    • project agreement (one per package or per project)
  • Make a definitive list of packaging solutions for clients
  •  Figure out pricing
  •  Build an opt in form/members sign in aspect for my website
  • Build some sort of calendar for my website for scheduling purposes.
  •  Create a businessy planny thingy to send to a friend to show to a potential contact
  •  Begin to implement strategies to make this blog actually make money and bring back re-peat viewers without HAVING to spam my FB and Twitter page
  •  Create My own FB business page complete with apps/etc.
  •  Re-energize the group
  • Model
  • Rig
  • Animate
  • Texture
  • Light
  • Render
  • Composite
  • Upload – to where?
  • Ellens Dance Dare
  • Exercise 

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