Thursday, June 7, 2012

Utter Failure

Today I worked 11 hours at Domino's (from open till near close). Bright side: 3 hours of overtime pay and I walked out of the store with 90$ in my pocket from tips and mileage. Crap side: another day has gone by where I haven't managed to get anything truly significant done.

I've had too many of these in the last two weeks. I need to step it up somehow. Dig in a little deeper, be a little more focused, w/e it takes. I've already pretty much flopped on the drawing of the day posts. blah. Now I feel like I'm stagnating. Slowing down is not an option. I know myself too well and if I don't pick up the pace I will quit soon.

Things I resolve to get done this week:
Get a friggen hair cut. I'm starting to look like Chewbacca's bald faced cousin or something.
Post a drawing of the day post every day.
Finish Jacci's logo design
Don't explode with frustration

If I can manage to get at least this much done this week, I will consider the pace to have begun to hasten back to what it was a little while ago.

On a slightly related topic: It's becomming very apparent that I can't do this alone and I need help getting tasks done. However I face two significant issues. I can't pay anyone. Not a lot of people are willing to work for free on a highly probable to fail enterprise. The other is that I have people willing to help, but I find myself clinging on to the tasks. I can't just give away the drawing portion of the blog or the design aspect of the logo at the moment. ... actually I could give away the design aspect of the logo, but I know I would give the money to the employee and keep none for myself and then I wouldn't really be getting anywhere with my business. I find myself in need of individuals with particular skills (editing(writing), legal knowledge, creativity, design, software specific skills, etc etc.) but unable to afford those skills. Dominos doesn't seem to be paying me enough to finance this endeavor but really there isn't a job on the planet that would. The ones that would pay enough would consume all my time completely.

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