Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Approval Granted.

So I've squandered a good chunk of my day away today and now I've got just a short period of time to make this post before I head off to Dominos. I'm closing tonight so I wont get home until around 2AM.

So I have good news! I showed a page of my best thumbnails (pictures coming soon) to the client today and she selected one that she absolutely loves and wants to go forward with. As far as I'm concerned, the hardest part of the process is now done and over with. It's time to get this bad boy scanned and traced into illustrator. From there I will be working on different color variations/stroke widths/fills etc. A lot of fine tuning that takes time but not suffering. Once the logo is to the client's and my liking I will be sending her a copy of the .ai file as well as sending a copy of the .ai file to a team she has hired to help her with her facebook page (more on that later, I'm excited about the network I'm building).

I was also able to procure permission from the client to more elaborately talk about my work with her. Before, I didn't want to mention her name, talk too much about what she does, or display any of the work I've done for her. Now I can comfortably do that. I need to get a contract just for this purpose so I can bring it to all future clients. It will be optional, so they can choose to give me permission if they want to. But I won't talk about them without having a signed document with their permission to do so. I figure I'll be persuasive enough to get permission from most people but those who are worried can opt out.

I also met with Darlene today and we made good progress on our work. I have quite the chore list amassing from her. It keeps me moving forward though and I love it.

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