Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day one

Okay so it looks like my first post is going to be a brief post. I went to sleep around 2 am last night and now I'm writing this in the short window I have before I need to leave for work at Dominos.

So let me tell you about one of the projects I've got going on right now. The client is a member of the consumer direct marketing company Melalueca. She is a referral agent for the company. Melalueca, in a strong effort to avoid the label of MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing company) has imposed strict restrictions on what it's members can and can't do. One of the things a referral agent for the company cannot do is ever use the Melalueca logo in order to advertise themselves. This means my client needs to brand herself as a referral agent for Melalueca without divulging that she works for Melalueca up front. She needs her own logo and her own brand to help build her own image and advertise herself without advertising Melalueca. She needs to tell people what she does without telling people what she does. It's a unique challenge, and one I look forward to beating.

It does leave me quite perplexed. She wants a logo that helps convey ideas of financial security, prosperity, working from home, and success. That's where I'm stumped at the moment. Drawing sketches and such but currently not making much progress. I'm trying to limit myself to only a few more days to have 50 thumbnail ideas completed to submit for her approval, but at the moment even 1 idea seems like a challenge to come up with. Perhaps I'm going about it all wrong.



  1. Hm, that is quite a perplexing about some sort of SAFE with a whole bunch of other things circling it to signify something else.......idk i hit a wall..but a safe might be something to think about...

  2. Well the simplest idea seems to be a logo that you like/she likes, with a subtitle that says "Marketing...person" (not entirely sure what you'd call her job title). And then possible her name. Or maybe her name could BE the logo, just make it look pretty.

    Just with that idea you could probably come up with 10 different ways to display it.

    I don't have much else though without more information/restrictions/ideas that she is looking for.

    1. By subtitle I think you are referring to a Tag Line. Also known as a Slogan/catch phrase which is trade marked. An example of a slogan would be Allstate's "Are you in good hands?"
      Thanks for the idea though. Every little bit helps. Her second choice for a logo was a design that was just her initials. And she picked a tagline, "Environment Friendly Wealth Building."
