Friday, May 11, 2012

Decision Time

So I've decided after an entire year of not touching this Blog, I am going to commit myself to daily posts. It's the only way I am ever going to turn this into what I want it to be. I keep rationalizing putting it off with, "it doesn't look pretty yet. Get it up to speed with your branding and then worry about the posts." or "It really isn't that important right now. Your other work takes precedent." And while the truth is I have major time management issues at the moment (between a job at Domino's, Work with Darlene Hiltner, 2 new clients, a youtube channel I've been meaning to start up for some time now but haven't gotten around to, as well as the daily responsibilities of a child living rent free with his parents) I know that I can always make time for the things that are important to me. If I commit myself to a daily post no matter how small, I can turn it into one of those things that really doesn't take that much time at all. So starting tomorrow morning, I am going to make a post about what I'm doing. The next day I will post again with whatever pathetic amount of progress I have made on that one thing. And that is my plan to get this ball rolling. Hopefully somewhere in there I will find the time to make this blog match my newly rebuilt website:
Thanks for reading this Brandee. Since I know you are the only person on the planet who will ever read this post ... assuming you actually do read this post.