Monday, May 21, 2012

My Perpetually Growing List of Things to Do (Version 5/21/12):

Why a list?

This is something I think I am going to do weekly. Perhaps every Monday or Sunday from now on. The idea is that I will post the list of everything I can think of today, and as the week progresses I will mark off whatever pitiful accomplishments I have made, add the new items that arise to this list (since for every accomplishment made, two new ones arise), and add the stuff that was already there that I just didn't think of when I wrote the first list. So this week I'm just posting the list as I can think of it. Next week I'll post a new list, the new list will carry what's left of this list and what's been added to this list. Underneath the new list will be the list of things I accomplished this week.

I am hoping the result of this will be:
  • A: Motivation: If I see the list and my progress and non progress it will help encourage me to get more things done
  • B: Reflection: having a list of things I've accomplished at the end of the week will make me feel good as long as the list is substantial
  • C: Informative: I'm kind of hoping this will begin to sink into everyone's head just how busy I've actually been and how much more busy I am trying to become. Right now I feel as though very few of the people I'm close to have any idea just how big this bite is I've taken and just how hard it is to chew. I'm hoping the evolving list will make people a little more respectful of my time and effort. It's hard to juggle a job with a highly irregular schedule, a personal life (that will be the day right?), while simultaneously trying to build my own business for the very first time and not really having much of a clue what I am doing. 
So here goes nothing.

My Perpetually Growing List of Things to Do version 5/21/2012:

Get the pilot show from BBSV finished, online, perpetuating
                Re-energize the group
                Upload – to where?
Get my own YouTube channel online and perpetuating
                Create a new Google account
                Pick a channel name
                Commit to a single subject matter/show idea
                Acquire dedicated cast/crew
                Produce pilot/ first season
Finish Jacci’s logo
                Get approval for B&W design
                Discuss color, get approval for color design
                Deliverables: send .ai to Jacci’s FB team
Get in touch with new client and complete project
                Schedule first meeting
Get Darlene a stack of business cards
Get business underway
            Pick a business name
Get a Mobile version of my website
Build a client assessment form
Find some personality tests to work into building client personality profile
Build a project assessment form (send copies to Darlene)
Obtain blank generic contracts: Blog disclosure, Project agreement form (one per package),
Make a definitive list of packaging solutions for clients
Figure out pricing
Build an opt in form/members sign in aspect for my website
Build some sort of calendar for my website for scheduling purposes.
Look into lejure
Make a 16x16 px web icon for Darlene
Get a haircut
Do an Ellen’s dance dare for the fun of it

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