Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Doesn't Google Do?

Yesterday I built a mobile version of my website and I edited the mobile version of this blog. Then I set up a Google Analytics account and attached it to my website so I could monitor my traffic. I've already been using Blogger's Google Analytics to monitor my blog traffic for a few weeks now (To my reader in Canada: you rock!). Yesterday I also gave my girlfriend an Acer tablet with droid (Google) software that she can sync to her droid(Google) phone. Suddenly it hit me. What Doesn't Google Do?

I currently have a Google+ account, A Blogger Account, two Youtube Accounts, and a Google Analytics account. I don't have a droid phone or tablet, but If I ever feel like getting a smart phone or a tablet, Droid is definitely the OS I want them to have. I feel like a walking, talking, billboard for Google. But how could I not be? Google is the company that actually took the initiative to build a self driving car. Google made it easy for people to share video on the internet for free and then made it easy to make money off of sharing videos on the internet for free. Google went public via a Dutch Auction instead of the traditional IPO. Google is looking into (or already is) investing billions of dollars into space exploration. Google has their eye on the ball, and they are playing the game better than everyone else. Not only that, but they manage to play the game without playing dirty. If your going to bet on a horse race, you might as well bet on the horse that wants to win the most.

From a business perspective, going any other route than using Google's free services would be foolish. Google does it better and for the best price: free. It's hard to compete with that. Google also builds its business model around the success of its users. If Youtube channels didn't direct a lot of traffic and thus a lot of advertising dollars, the website would fail. That's why Google goes to great lengths to provide valuable resources and tools to it's users to make them successful. Google has no incentive to abuse it's users and has all the reason in the world to help make them successful. If you're getting into business, that is exactly the kind of partnership you should be seeking out.


  1. Google is, indeed, a very useful company. Many people think it's too big, but eh can't compete with Free as you said. Good post.

  2. Google's size sometimes does scare me. But they aren't as big as microsoft yet and they are only 1000 times more ethical than any other company near as large as they are.
